A Sad Sadness Song


Almost one year after the fabulous demo-tape På Förtvivlans Krön (see update November 10th 2014), Sweden’s devastating army Svärta return with six (mainly lengthy; i.e. in between four and nine minutes) new epics in order to continue their up-marching sonic terror. Be grateful, dear listener, because that former release was quite impressive (I gave it a 90/100-score).

Madmans Esprit

I had never heard of this band before, South-Korean based act Madmans Esprit. The bio included, kindly provided by A Sad Sadness Song (which actually is a sub-division of Aeternitas Tenebrarum Musicae Fundamentum aka ATMF), files this band’s stuff as Schizophrenic Dark-Black Metal, so I was quite virginal in mind when I listened to the album Nacht for the first time. The devirgination (aka defloration), however, was quite painful and horrific…

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