I have always adored that imaginative, winterly Ambient stuff à la Moloch, Symbiosis, Sieghetnar, Vinterriket, Nebula VII and the likes, and another act within this non-limitative list is Italian one-man project Winterblood.
I have always adored that imaginative, winterly Ambient stuff à la Moloch, Symbiosis, Sieghetnar, Vinterriket, Nebula VII and the likes, and another act within this non-limitative list is Italian one-man project Winterblood.
This is not a review on a new recording by German band Winterblood, you know, the one that gave pleasure (or irritation?) to the Black Metal scene with their 2013-album Herbstsehnsucht. That album was released via French label Le Crépuscule Du Soir Productions (at this moment having a break, apparently???), and the funny thing is that this very same label also released something from another act called Winterblood: Anelli, 2014.