Hexenreich Records

Vanad Varjud

I had not heard of Estonian act Vanad Varjud before, but deep investigation learned me that this trio released a first recording in 2014 (which was called Apooriad, done on tape). Back then they were a duo, existing through highly productive / active musicians Thon and Sorts; but in mean time they recruited a lead vocalist, Ott – this guy, by the way, did work with the other ones before as guest / session vocalist on some of the many other projects these guys are involved with.

From The Vastland

From The Vastland are an outfit by a guy called Sina, originating from Iran’s capital Tehran. In mean time this guy moved over to Trondheim, Norway. Anyway, with From The Vastland, Sina recorded three albums before, being Darkness Vs.


When I listened to Ragnell’s debut, I was quite enthusiastic about the result. That mini-album, called Black Requiem, was, just like the one this chronicle will deal with, released via Satanath Records, and the review was updated on September 27th 2014 – check it out!

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