Doomsday Elite


‘Ayyadieh’ refers to a hill where the ‘noble’ King Richard I aka ‘Lionheart’ did massacre hundreds, maybe thousands ‘enemies’ (women and kids included) at the end of the 12th century. This vengeful thing did happen for real, even-though there is a certain ‘legendary’ veil that covers this story, that glorious expression of revenge against the Muslims (led by the famous sultan Saladin) in a period of conquer and rivalry. It’s a bloodred chapter in history at the time of crusades, marking the blood-thirsty competition of religious fanatism.


Tolkien freaks will recognize the name ‘ohtar’ as being an esquire of King Isildur, who brought the broken pieces of the king’s legendary sword to the elfish city of Rivendell after some cowardly attack. But it is the name as well from a Polish band which was formed more than two decades ago. Ohtar, the band, recorded some demos and split contributions during the late Nineties and the early 2000’s, and in 2003, Supreme Art released the impressive debut full length album When I Cut The Throat (re-released afterwards on vinyl and tape).

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