Michigan-based outfit Acid Witch signed to Hells Headbangers Records a while ago, and the first result of their collaboration was the exceptional second full length Stoned. For the (very professionally written) review about this release, check out the Hells Headbangers Special-update on 02/02/2011, now posted within the archives-section (since Concreteweb’s lay-out did change).
This collaboration between the band and the label goes on with the re-release of Witchtanic Hellucinations, the band’s full length debut, which was initially released in 2008 through Razorback (the vinyl-edition was self-released). Why? Only the Lord of Metal knows…
Is it a problem? Hell no, it’s a blessing, for this album is so hard to find.
What’s it all about? Well, Witchtanic Hellucinations brings Doom Metal, yet of a most different kind. The basics lack of any originality, I mean that the basic guitar riffs, for example, have been done before a thousand times, the drum patterns are minimalistic, etc.
But this band’s strength is the total package. This is not ‘just Doom’, yet a mostly hallucinating, psychedelic variant. The whole is based on Old School Doom-Death elements (i.e. the riffs; Acid Witch are not a Death or Black Metal band!) and Seventies Doom / Rock influences, coloured with trippy keyboard lines, shrieking leads, guttural vocals, loads of Horror and L.S.D.-injections, a couple of speed-accelerations, NWOBHM-riffing (yet enormously slowed-down) and, on top of it, a sound so dirty, nasty and rough…
HIGH-ly (got it?) recommended if you like to dwell within smoky spheres where acts like Blood Freak, Autopsy, Repulsion, Woods Of Belial, Impetigo, Goatlord, Macabre or Necrophagia take care of the musical escort…
A ritual Death-trip in Doom-land, a sonic nightmare of Pleasure and Pain…
Oh yes: splendid cover artwork! I’m craving for soup…