US power metal firmly rooted in the 2nd half of the eighties one would think, but a closer look tells me that both the “ Evermoving” and “ Reawaken” where actually released in 2001 and 2002 through Century Media, now in 2014 , Pure Steel Records, has decided to release a very limited vinyl version of these records, limited to just 250 each. Both releases let us hear a band which knew how to write a decent song and no doubt where fans of such bands as Sanctuary, Nevermore, Helstar… but at the same time lacked the catchiness that the aforementioned bands did manage to built into a song. Underground fans might also recognize the name of vocalist, Michael Grant (RIP ) who years later would pop up in the US power prog band Creshent Shield. Vinyl fiends with a fanatic attraction to US power metal, should try to get a copy of these nice double gatefold versions.