digital EP / single


I guess this project by (bleak) needs no introduction anymore. If not trusted with (yet), or simply when just interested, check out one of the reviews written exclusively for this outfit by the very productive artist behind it (link: see below).

Alphaxone / Rojinski

This is a nice surprise. Two very fine and kind human beings from our beautiful planet joined forces to create a sonic effort together. By coincidence, both of them are crafted musicians as well, so this must work out well…

Or: The Silent Watchtower is the result of a collaboration in between the solo-projects Alphaxone (Mehdi Saleh from Iran) and Rojinski (Alexei Rojinski from some place on Mater Terra, or elsewhere within our huge Universe).

noxpox & Humanfobia

…originally released in 2023…

…a tribute to Carrie, a magnificent work by the great Stephen King (and for what it’s worth: when I was a kid [a very long time ago], King was my favorite author)…

…a collaboration in between two outsider acts from Germany (noxpox) and Chile (Humanfobia)…

Moloch / Arria Paetus

I did express my adoration for Aesthetic Death - and the sympathetic guy behind this label - a hundred times before. I won’t go too deep into this English label’s fabulous existence this time. But here’s a review on another excellently chosen release, being a split in between two semi-Arctic entities. And I admit that this deals (once again) with an older release, but then again: so what?! Indeed (grim-looking smiley included)…

Novae Militiae

Throughout more than a decade of existence, the mysterious (the members wish to remain anonymous) French act Novae Militiae has not exactly been that productive. At the very beginning, they released their debut Affliction Of The Divine (CD + digital) via Ukrainian label Nihilward Productions (re-released on tape in 2014), and in 2017 Goathorned Productions took care of the release of Gash’khalah (CD + digital).

The Depressick

Mexico’s horde The Depressick may not be that well-known, despite some sweet recordings in the past, including some splits and a full length in 2017 (Carcinoma, which was released via China’s Pest Productions). Hugely underestimated was their EP Disposable 1.10, initially independently and unphysically released at the end of 2019’s beautiful springtime.


Once in a while (often more than once in a while – aah, life is good…), you just get blown away by a debut release of a (new) act. Well, let me introduce you to German formation Voreus. Okay, this band consists of members already known from bands like Funeral Procession, Abominations, Imperceptum, The Chainsaw Demons or Fiat Nox, but that does not necessarily mean another interesting thing coming up.

Nocturnal Prayer

From the cold, stormy Atlantic shores of Canada, please bid welcome to Nocturnal Prayer, a trio that gathered to spread evil, blasphemy, misanthropy. Three human (I guess) entities, being Murder (all strings), Nausea (drums) and Cancer (chants), joined forces under the blood-dripping flag of Nocturnal Prayer.

Nocturnal Prayer

From the cold, stormy Atlantic shores of Canada, please bid welcome to Nocturnal Prayer, a trio that gathered to spread evil, blasphemy, misanthropy. Three human (I guess) entities, being Murder (all strings), Nausea (drums) and Cancer (chants), joined forces under the blood-dripping flag of Nocturnal Prayer.


The story of Hermann starts in 2014, when four musicians joined forces. Amongst them are former or actual members of e.g.


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