Soul Collector is the first full length by German act Pestkult, released in an edition of 500 copies via Russia’s Satanath Records and German label Narbentage Produktionen; the latter, for your information, took care of the band’s last year’s split as well (with Erakko, Stardust and Funeral Dust). But actually this material was recorded quite a while ago by three well-known Black Metal artists from Germany (involved with the likes of Northern Hate, Carn Dûm, As Light Becomes Shadow etc.).
The album, which lasts for just over half an hour, consists of stuff that was released on one of the self-released promotional recordings too. And that’s a first remark I just have to add: the inferior sound quality. The final mix is below average, and therefore the equilibrium in between the different players isn’t acceptable. The guitar leads are too pronounced, the vocals too dull, and the rhythm section details almost inexisting. A pity!
The muSICKal approach is pretty nasty. Pestkult bring a filthy and grim form of rhythmic Underground Black Metal with a Thrash-edged execution (listen for example to Okkultes Schlachtkommando with a certain Desaster-attitude, or the Black’n’Roll hymn Pestkult that reeks of adorable First Wave psychosis), highly melodious guitar riffs, ice screams and quite some energy. In general, the approach is typical-traditional, yet with quite some variety in speed and structure. As a matter of fact, it is nice to notice that this band somehow turns out to be creative, without betraying the roots of the genre, without lacking of intensity, and without turning progressive or modernistic. It sort of gives them an own face, which one can need nowadays, seen the overcrowded scene.
So, to be honest: there are quite some cons and some pros. When coming to the first, I did mention the bad sound quality. Is it such problem to re-record, or at least to remix older material in order to have it released properly? Also the lack of outstanding compositions (I sort of miss an ‘anthem’), the lack of instrumental cohesion and the sometimes predictable riffs cannot please me. Then again, I appreciate the (limited) creativity, the epic execution and craftsmanship, the individual performance and the general atmosphere.