Immortal Frost Productions


The Polish Black Metal scene might be (one of) the ‘richest’ from Eastern Europe, I think, so there might be an impressive amount of qualitatively high-standard bands dwelling around there too. And one of the top acts – at least, this is my personal opinion, for what it’s worth – is this one: Gurthang. In essence, it is the brainchild of one A.Z.V. aka Azathoth, whom you might know as well from, for example, Cosmic Despair, Beyond Life or Azathoth (defunct in the meantime).

Ars Veneficium / Ulvdalir

Immortal Frost Productions is known especially for the many releases on compact disc, yet as from a couple of years ago, though quite modest, the label also released some material on vinyl. It all started with a split 12” EP in very early 2015, gathering Finland’s finest Azaghal and Belgian act Ars Veneficium, which involves label owner S. Now the label comes up with the tenth vinyl release, which is once again a split that includes Ars Veneficium.


I remember being extremely happy – no, I’ll start all over again. Happiness has been disbanded, banished from my personal mental sanity. So, here it is… I remember being extremely aroused when I heard the album Hexkonst by Finnish horde Ondfødt more than four years ago. I received the album from Immortal Frost Productions’ chieftain S., and this very same guy / label takes care of the release of sophomore full length Dödsrikets Kallelse.


I do not think that Azaghal do need an extended introduction, so I’ll keep it brief. This Finnish horde started in 1995, first as Belfogor, then under the Nargoventor-moniker, and under their current name they dwell around as from 1998. Throughout the years, the band recorded and released quite some material, with a couple of absolute highlights included.

Ars Veneficium / Ulvdalir

Immortal Frost Productions is known especially for the many releases on compact disc, yet as from a couple of years ago, though quite modest, the label also released some material on vinyl. It all started with a split 12” EP in very early 2015, gathering Finland’s finest Azaghal and Belgian act Ars Veneficium, which involves label owner S. Now the label comes up with the tenth vinyl release, which is once again a split that includes Ars Veneficium.


I do recognize the name Owe Inborr from two things. Firstly, he is the guy involved with two splendid notorious bands, Ondfødt (excellent grim Nordic-styled Black Metal) and Gangrened (ultimately heavy Doom-laden Sludge).


I remember being quite happy – no, I’ll start all over again. Happiness has been disbanded, banished from my personal mental sanity. So, here it is… I remember being quite aroused when I heard the album Hexkonst by Finnish horde Ondfødt more than four years ago. I received the album from Immortal Frost Productions’ chieftain S., and this very same guy / label takes care of the release of sophomore full length Dödsrikets Kallelse.


I do not think that Azaghal do need an extended introduction, so I’ll keep it brief. This Finnish horde started in 1995, first as Belfogor, then under the Nargoventor-moniker, and under their current name they dwell around as from 1998. Throughout the years, the band recorded and released quite some material, with a couple of absolute highlights included.

Atra Vetosus

On March 27th 2018 I published a review for the re-mastered release of Atra Vetosus’ debut album From The Eternal Night, which deserved some additional attention, at least in order to promote this band’s newest full-length album, Apricity.


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