Immortal Frost Productions

Azaghal - Oath

You know (or you do not, but then you will know it as from now on) that I do have a (not that secret) appreciation for Belgian label Immortal Frost Productions, run by Ars Veneficium’s chanteur S. It’s the qualitative result for each release that impresses me a lot.

Ars Veneficium - Azaghal

This split release was one I did look forward to for quite some time. Main reason, of course, is the collaboration of two bands I do sort of adore. Besides, it is the first (and until now, the only) vinyl release on Belgian top-label Immortal Frost Productions.


Hautakammio are a Finnish band which includes Aki ‘Grim666’ Klemm, known from acts like Lathspell, Grimirg, Order Of The White Hand or Oath, amongst several others. It’s the same guy behind the Patologian Laboratorio studio, and the person who runs the Patologian Laboratorio Productions-label, which focuses on Aki's own projects especially. Look out for a couple of upcoming reviews from that label, coming up soon!


Polish horde Gurthang (another reference to the great Tolkien-sagas!) finally returns with new work. In the first years of their existence (they were formed in 2010), they did record and release quite some stuff, but as from half of 2013 nothing seemed to happen anymore. Until now…


Polish horde Gurthang (another reference to the great Tolkien-sagas!) finally returns with new work. In the first years of their existence (they were formed in 2010), they did record and release quite some stuff, but as from half of 2013 nothing seemed to happen anymore. Until now…


Greek outfit Abyssgale finally seem to crawl out of the depths of the Netherworlds. They were created ten years ago, and they recorded / released an EP, called The Coming Plague, in 2006. Then several changes in line-up followed throughout the next years. And, which is an important element to mention, Abyssgale were able to perform live on stage with great acts such as Rotting Christ, Impaled Nazarene, Aura Noir and Necros Christos; impressing it is, not?!

Ars Veneficium

Finally! The first release of Belgian horde Ars Veneficium! All together: joepie! Why such enthusiasm? Well, actually I need to do so, because this is one of the bands Immortal Frost ProductionsS. is involved with, so I cannot but to be positive…


When Naturmacht Productions gave me the opportunity to listen to Knokkelkraft, the debut for Norwegian act Skygge, I swore eternal gratitude to this label. …kind of… Seriously, I was enormously impressed by this stuff conceived by multi-instrumentalist Frank ‘Skyggemester Kuldegys’ Bratten (formerly also in Viðr and Frozen Cries, by the way).


One of the best acts I know from New Zealand are Apnea, which were formed about four years ago by Drew Reid. Initially Apnea was supposed to be a solo-outfit by this multi-instrumentalist, but after a (short) while he joined forces with guitar player Ben Mikkelsen, and together they created a first EP in 2012, called Silent Cities.


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