Lower Silesian Stronghold


Aquila is a solo-outfit by Atheosoph, whom you might know from his collaboration in (sadly defunct) Rein (review for their sole album La Cocaïne Des Seigneurs: see update of March 5th 2016). Under the Aquila-moniker, Atheosoph recorded a first demo-tape, Les Larmes De L’Aigle (‘tears of the eagle’), which was released in a limited edition in September 2014 via Werewolf Promotion.


Formed a decade ago, South-France’s Pestiferum did offer the audience a limited yet highly acceptable number of releases; amongst those two splits (one with mighty Fhoi Myore) and a first album in 2009, being Solstice d’Hiver. Then, un moment donné, Pestiferum signed to (also mighty) Hass Weg Productions in order to release the sophomore full length studio album, Déchus Du Fléau, coming in an edition of 1,000 copies, including a sixteen-page booklet.


The Polish horde Aryman was formed at the very beginning of this century, but initially it was a band without name, without an aim (besides playing Black Metal!), without any official and professional recording or release. I guess it was in 2006 when main members Nefarius and Non Serviam decided to baptise their sonic brainchild as Aryman.

Nocturnal Amentia

(release date on top must be '2012' and not 2016, but this program won't go back further than 2013 - Ivan)

Quite an active act from Ukraine is Nocturnal Amentia, formed at the beginning of this century in the Lugansk area. The band released four full albums in mean time (the last one being released a couple of months ago via Cold Breath Of Silence), and they contributed on two splits; one with UK’s Black Grave, and another one with fellow countrymen of Underdark (sharing a member, by the way [*]).


Aquila is a solo-outfit by Atheosoph, whom you might know from his collaboration in (sadly defunct) Rein (review for their sole album La Cocaïne Des Seigneurs: see update of March 5th 2016). Under the Aquila-moniker, Atheosoph recorded a first demo-tape, Les Larmes De L’Aigle (‘tears of the eagle’), which was released in a limited edition in September 2014 via Werewolf Promotion.


Formed a decade ago, South-France’s Pestiferum did offer the audience a limited yet highly acceptable number of releases; amongst those two splits (one with mighty Fhoi Myore) and a first album in 2009, being Solstice d’Hiver. Then, un moment donné, Pestiferum signed to (also mighty) Hass Weg Productions in order to release the sophomore full length studio album, Déchus Du Fléau, coming in an edition of 1,000 copies, including a sixteen-page booklet.


The Polish horde Aryman was formed at the very beginning of this century, but initially it was a band without name, without an aim (besides playing Black Metal!), without any official and professional recording or release. I guess it was in 2006 when main members Nefarius and Non Serviam decided to baptise their sonic brainchild as Aryman.


I think the Greek scene has always been largely underestimated. Some ‘big’ names did reach the rest of the world (as from the Eighties), but there’s quite an impressive underground scene too with some excellent outfits, and unfortunately they do not (always) get the attention they (sometimes) deserve. With gratitude for Hass Weg Productions (and distributing partner-in-crime Lower Silesian Stronghold), at least one band sort of crawls out of the bottomless pits of oblivion.

Sacrificia Mortuorum / Orthanc

I sort of ‘adore’ about everything that gets released via French Black Metal label Hass Weg Productions, simply because they do focus on true, uncompromising, qualitative releases instead of over-produced, trendy acts that try to impress with a fake image. If you click on the label’s name, you will be able to find some other reviews I did for this label (I wrote them with pleasure and devotion, let’s be sure about that!).


On March 28th 2016 I did publish a review for Malmort’s Vox In Excelso, this French band’s debut full length album for Hass Weg Productions. Via the very same label we can also experience the sophomore full length, Excerpta Funebris. Once again, the songs were recorded at the La Grôlle Studio (except for the drums). The lyrics (mainly written by vocalist Reicheran) are in French, with some Latin excerpts injected.


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