Satanath Records


Two weeks ago, I posted a review on the re-release of the Striborg recording Spiritual Catharsis, originally released in 2004 and now re-issued by a partnership of Satanath Records and Death Portal Studio (see: So, I am not going to write a new full introduction on this Tasmanian one-man horde, but I’d like to refer to that recently published article.


I am not going to write a full introduction on Cryostasium this time, for you can find all info you want in one of the reviews I did for this American project in the past. Just enter the band-name in the tab ‘Search’ to find out more about this frenzy solo-outfit of one Cody Maillet

And hey, I will not digress too intensively about this new recording either. The reason: same fabulous shit! Ha!


I can easily sum up tens of Black Metal bands and projects from Australia, but when talking about the Southern island Tasmania, there are only three names that immediately come to mind: Astral Winter and Atra Vetosus, both projects with Josh Young (Immortal Frost Productions) and Striborg. The latter is a very, very, extremely very much very productive outfit by one Sin Nanna (real name: Russell Menzies).


From the bleak, Arctic soil of New Mexico hail Aetranok, a quintet that started earlier this decade. At the very beginning of 2014, the band released a first album (on compact disc), Grande Invokation, via Colorado-based Death Portal Studio, re-released a couple of months later, also on CD and digitally, through Senseless Life Records from the U.K. (nowadays known as Sepulchral Silence).

In Tenebriz

Vladimir ‘Wolfir’ Prokofiev is a very productive designer and musician. As visual artwork artist, he did create the cover paintings for tens of bands / albums (which I am going to list up), and as musician he worked under different pseudonyms before. But his most active outfit surely is In Tenebriz, which he started in 2005. Throughout the years, In Tenebriz recorded and released more than ten full lengths, many EP and several split-releases, especially during the first half of this decade.


Aaargh, this has been such a long time… Finally, after a hiatus of more than seven, almost eight years, Suomi-based horde Cavus finally returns with their second full length album, after the untitled EP from 2009 and their full-length debut Fester And Putrefy in Autumn 2010 (Listenable Records) – which was, by the way, followed by a European tour with no one else but the sweeties of Gorgoroth.


This might be good news for those who lost their lust of life after the passing-away of Italy’s finest Nocratai, for the band might have reformed recently! All together: hurray! Yet beware: I am not sure, to be honest, whether the members did join forces once again, for the stuff on this new album is not exactly newly written material. And the fact that there was a compilation being released in 2017 (consisting of two older demos), does not necessarily suggest a reformation.


Brahdr’uhz are a very young yet quite productive outfit from Swiss, run by Brahz (voices, strings, percussion) and assisted by drummer Penetranalattack Deflagramicide. Yeah, why not… The project released several things in not that much time, especially independently, sometimes in partnership with Underground labels (Albanian Medieval Werewolf Antiquarium Label).


The name ‘Aornos’ comes from a fortress in contemporary Pakistan, more or less ‘close’ to the Himalayan mountains and the Indus river. It was a fortified site known for the passing of Alexander the Great and his final siege (or at least one of the latest ones), some centuries before our modern era. It is the moniker as well for a productive outfit by Tatrai ‘Algras’ Csaba, a Hungarian multi-instrumentalist who is member of Frost too, and who used to be in bands like Carcharoth and Bornholm.


It is a very sympathetic thing to do, dearest Aleksey, to celebrate you 200thSatanath Records release by means of Panchrysia. Good idea, respect, haha!


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