Satanath Records

Gôr Mörgûl

Finally! After five years of silence, Italian combo Gôr Mörgûl return with their second full album, called Heresy. Okay, I am sort of exaggerating, for the band released an EP in 2014 (Ruins On The Icons Of God). This quartet from the isle of Sardinia was formed in 2007, and did record this new material in very early 2015.


Once again I have the honour to write a review for a band from Costa Rica, and once again it’s via Satanath Records (hey Aleksey, do you have connections out there?) that the audience can meet an act from that Middle-American country.


I wasn’t quite enthusiastic with 2013’s MCD Temнъiй Kopидop Owибok, released on Satanath Records (the parent label of Symbol Of Domination Productions, on which this new effort gets released), but probably it has to do with my personal, subjective preferences, likes and disgusts. I am not such a Hardcore-fan, you see. But despite my personal disliking of that scene, my objective part of the game as being a reviewer did try to focus on the essence rather than personal favoritism.

Solis Occasum

Solis Occasum are a young outfit by Alexey ‘Barghest’ Denisov, whom you might know as well from Incipit Satan. With the Solis Occasum solo-project, Barghest recorded and released one album before, being Orthodox Plague, which was released in 2013 via the very small Ost Legia Productions label.


Italy’s Exterminas return with their second full length album, Dichotomy, which lasts for forty minutes. Like most releases via Satanath Records, and once again in collaboration with Metallic Media, it was pressed on 500 copies, but apparently 200 copies got lost for one reason or another, so there are 300 copies left. …sorry, 299 copies in meantime, hèhè…


Chiral is the name of a very young one-man band, but despite the very young age (the project began in early 2014), there were quite some releases in mean time (demos, singles and two splits). Amongst those, a demo called Abisso


Aornos are a new outfit by Tátrai ‘Algras’ Csaba, who’s (currently and previously) known as well from Hungarian bands like Frost, Bornholm or Carcharoth. The material for this debut release was written as from 1998 (!), and recorded in between 2009 and 2014.


Funebria are a Black Metal act from Venezuela, but outside their home country, I do not think they are well-known. …until now, for having Satanath Records taking care of their new full length. Actually, in their ten years of existence (the band was formed in 2004) they didn’t release that much stuff: a demo, an EP and one full length (all of them during the last decade), and in 2012 they contributed on the Two Headed Beast split with Veldraveth.

Ancient sphereS

The connection in between Costa Rica and the Russian label Satanath Records is quite important; cf. releases by bands like Alastor Sanguinary Embryo, Corpse Garden or Inhuman (all of them have been, or soon will be reviewed for one or another release, so keep attentive!).


ChaosWolf are a semi-productive outfit by Mexican ‘singer’ Chaoswolf, and known for being a psychic infection, delusional, fighting against all trends within the Black Metal scene. Once again he joined forces with Berserker and Senectus, colleagues in bands like Black Desolation, Divine Dynasty or the great Calvarium Funestus. Templo De Palabras Muertas is the second full length, with material written in between Spring 2013 and late 2014.


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