Satanath Records


I do not feel like spending too much time on this project’s introduction this time. As you might know, Satanath is the name of Aleksey Korolyov’s longest-running (originally formed in 2011 in Saint-Petersburg) solo-outfit that shows a frenzy vision on sonic creativity, in contrast to ‘Metal’ Music in general.


[In a series of somewhat shorter reviews, yet necessary and remarkable ones, from Satanath Records, GrimmDistribution and Symbol Of Domination Productions and their era 2020/2021, a (quick) one about Seeds Of Despair, the last recording by Swiss act Pure]


[a shorter review in a series to promote releases from 2020 / 2021 and to support the labels involved: Satanath Records / Symbol Of Domination Productions / GrimmDistribution]


I’ll keep the introduction of this band short, for you can find any additional information in any of my former reviews for this stunning project. But it would be kind of me, don’t you think, to add at least a small acquaintance, so here it is. Abigorum is the name of an outfit by Aleksey Korolyov, a very talented and dedicated musician and promotor (and above all: a mostly sympathetic personality, which I truly adore!).


The solo-outfit Gravespawn has a rich biography. I won’t go too deep into the matter, but it’s an interesting fact that this project was formed in South Korea by an American soldier, while serving for his national army in the far East of Asia. We’re talking about the earlier years of this century. Things went quite tranquil, and it wasn’t until the year 2010 and the next ones, to grow ‘bigger’ as studio-act. As from then on, throughout the years, Gravespawn did release several recordings (full-lengths, EP’s and splits with e.g.


After several digitally self-released tracks, the Australian outfit MaziKeen (an archaic Hebrew word meaning something like deleterious soul or detrimental spirit) signed to Satanath Records from St. Petersburgh in order to release their first official full-length album; it’s a cooperative happening with Iron, Blood And Death Corporation from Mexican soil.


Haissem is a solo-outfit by some Andrey V. Tollock, whom you might know from another one-man army too, i.e. Doom-Death project Sunset Forsaken. Haissem however is more productive and diverse, and throughout six years of existence, more than a handful of somewhat differing recordings got released. Amongst those last year’s Kuhaghan Tyyn, available physically via Saint-Peterburg’s Satanath Records.


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