Satanath Records


One of the longest-living, and most influential, (Death) Metal bands from Cyprus is Vomitile, active since 2007. They have three official releases since then, the independently released EP Rotting Life (2010), the debut full length Igniting Chaos (Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, very early 2013), and Mastering The Art Of Killing (2014, Pitch Black Records).


Although the band was formed in 2008, Wrathrone have not been that active actually. In Spring 2013 they independently released the EP Left Unburied, and in very early 2018, Inverse Records released the band’s debut full length album, Born Beneath. Then it took another two years for this Finnish band to release the second full studio album, Reflections Of Torment.


I have to admit that I do not know more than five or six, maybe seven bands from Cuba when it comes to the harsher side of the music(k)al spectrum. Yet as from now on, I can add another one to this (way too limited) list: Skjult. Apparently it is the brainchild of one Conspirator, born as Javier Rodriguez Prendes.

Demonic Obedience

When the Greek Death Metal outfits Deceptive Incarnation and, following, The Deepest, were put to rest, Georg Davelas (Ntavelas) started a new outfit, Demonic Obedience (which can be considered the successor of The Deepest). In the meantime, FYI, Georg moved over to Scotland, and that’s where he recorded this newest album.

From The Vastland

For sure being one of my favourite bands from the Middle-East, From The Vastland actually hail from Iran, although band leader Sina lives in Norway nowadays. The guy started this outfit in 2010 and throughout almost a decade of existence, he wrote and recorded some very nice stuff. From The Vastland debuted in 2011 with Darkness Vs.


Two weeks ago, I posted a review on the re-release of the Striborg recording Spiritual Catharsis, originally released in 2004 and now re-issued by a partnership of Satanath Records and Death Portal Studio (see: So, I am not going to write a new full introduction on this Tasmanian one-man horde, but I’d like to refer to that recently published article.


I can easily sum up tens of Black Metal bands and projects from Australia, but when talking about the Southern island Tasmania, there are only three names that immediately come to mind: Astral Winter and Atra Vetosus, both projects with Josh Young (Immortal Frost Productions) and Striborg. The latter is a very, very, extremely very much very productive outfit by one Sin Nanna (real name: Russell Menzies).


Aaargh, this has been such a long time… Finally, after a hiatus of more than seven, almost eight years, Suomi-based horde Cavus finally returns with their second full length album, after the untitled EP from 2009 and their full-length debut Fester And Putrefy in Autumn 2010 (Listenable Records) – which was, by the way, followed by a European tour with no one else but the sweeties of Gorgoroth.


It is a very sympathetic thing to do, dearest Aleksey, to celebrate you 200thSatanath Records release by means of Panchrysia. Good idea, respect, haha!


One of the longest-living, and most influential, (Death) Metal bands from Cyprus is Vomitile, active since 2007. They have three official releases since then, the independently released EP Rotting Life (2010), the debut full length Igniting Chaos (Horror Pain Gore Death Productions, very early 2013), and Mastering The Art Of Killing (2014, Pitch Black Records).


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