Satanath Records

A Thousand Sufferings

A Thousand Sufferings hail from Sint-Amands, close to Ghent (Belgium), and the band was formed in 2013 by former members of Vex and others. After some first gigs, (Dutch) co-founding member and singer Tijl died in an accident (thirty-six years of age, way too young), so that is why this first official A Thousand Sufferings release is, evidently, dedicated to this guy.

Curse / Styggelse / WAN

Satanath Records release, and do appreciate that, quite a lot of splits too. I like it because it might fill up a hiatus for a band’s relative silence in between two albums, for example. Or a split contains rare or old and hard-to-get stuff. Or just because it offers some variety. Or it might give you the opportunity to meet bands you haven’t been listening to before. Or… Nope, this is not an essay on my opinion on split collaborations, but it’s a review for a threesome…


Malamorte are a (new) project by Alessandro ‘Lord Vampyr’ Nunziati, known (currently or previously) from bands and projects such as Theatres Des Vampires, Cain, Shadowsreign, Sepolcrum, Lord Vampyr and some more.

Styxian Industries

At the end of last decade, a new entity was born in the Netherlands: Styxian Industries. The aim was to destroy the last beliefs in mankind, and to brutally penetrate all organic structures by the post-apocalyptic industrial hammer (damn, I’m in a poetic mood tonight…). But seriously, this act created some stuff in between 2009 and 2010, with a highlight in 2012 by means of a split with Redreom, released via Total Death Records.


Despite being active for four years only (they were founded in 2012), Uppsala, Sweden-based Nazghor now team up with their fifth recording, after Life Impaled (2013, Nebular Winter Productions / Dead Center Productions), Upon The Darkest Season (2014, Dead Center Productions, also re-released on tape afterwards), Through Darkness And Hell (2014, Metallic Media) and Diabolical Teachings (2015, a co-release of Metallic Media


The Italian trio Nyx (A. Sathsiva, S. Flagellyon and G. Azelyoth) recorded this new album at the Sottomarino Giallo Rec Service studio during summer 2014, with mixing / mastering assistance of Luis Varo. The result, called Hairesis and, unfortunately, lasting for only half an hour (and some seconds, all right), gets released by two of my preferred East-European labels, i.e. Vacula Productions and Satanath Records.


Meneapneontes are a young project from the capital city of Greece, Athens, formed in 2011 and consisting of Vasilis Karogiannis (vocals & bass guitars) and Takis Boutsalis (guitars).

Missa Mortvm

Actually Missa Mortvm were formed almost five years ago, but Et Lux Perpetua Luceat Est isn’t but this Chilean band’s first official release. The album was initially released independently the digital way in very, very, very early 2015, and then pressed on CD in order to get released via the unholy trinity Satanath Records, Sphera Noctis Records and Darzamadicus Records (a co-operation that appeared before in other constellations).


One of the many releases that did came out on Russia’s Satanath Records in 2015, and since I promised label owner (and friend) Aleksey to give my attention to all of them, is Ecstasy, the third full length of Polish act Manipulation. This band was formed at the very beginning of this millennium, but after the recording (+ release) of their debut, they did split up. Eventually, the band reformed, and some more releases did follow, but their ‘success’ remained somewhat local.

Gôr Mörgûl

Finally! After five years of silence, Italian combo Gôr Mörgûl return with their second full album, called Heresy. Okay, I am sort of exaggerating, for the band released an EP in 2014 (Ruins On The Icons Of God). This quartet from the isle of Sardinia was formed in 2007, and did record this new material in very early 2015.


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