Satanath Records


Moribundo are a young band from Spain, formed in 2014 by multi-instrumentalist Juanpa ‘Evilead’ Pérez (also known from bands like Elderdawn, Bizarre and Nangilima) and lyricist Justo ‘Mortvs Vyrr’ Arganda (who does not ‘sing’ himself).

Suffer Yourself

Last weekend I listened once again to Ectoplasm. Damn, it remains one of the best things within its genre. Then I realised that I did never write or publish a review on that album. Though, if I would have some end year’s list for 2016, this specific release would absolutely be part of my top-10 from that very same year. So, I was wondering: why not writing something about that album anyway?

Funeral Tears

Nikolay Seredov is a (pretty young) guy from the Southern part of the small country Russia, and active in several combos out there. Besides being involved with e.g. Taiga and Stakhanovtsy, he’s also known as the sole member of Funeral Tears, an outfit which he started in 2007.


Zurvan are an act that originates from Persian soil, but in mean time the main member moved over to Germany. Yet still, the core lies in Iran. Nowadays, there are some more combos and projects coming from those areas, and I do appreciate quite a lot of them, whether dwelling in spheres of Funeral Doom / Black Metal, or rather Drone / Ambient / Noise laden stuff. For sure, there’s a modest, somewhat hidden, yet quite potential scene going on out there in Iran. Zurvan surely are part of that current.


I knew an act from Brazil called ColdBlood, being active during the first half of the Nineties. And because this release (which was send to me, the kind way, by my dear colleague Aleksey K. from e.g. the Abigorum project and Satanath Records), did deal with a Rio De Janeiro based act with the very same name, I was kind of wondering: is this the very same band? So, here I seemed to suffer from a period of total amnesia.


The origins of Enoid go back to the mid-nineties, when Sergio ‘Bornyhake’ Moplat started the project Pest. This Swiss guy is or was in many extreme projects, but I think Enoid, which actually is the successor of Organ Trails, with Organ Trails being the follow-up of higher mentioned Pest, might be one of the best known ones he’s involved with, and for sure one of the best.

Abigorum & Cryostasium

When Aleksey Korolyov from Satanath Records did send me a new package of releases for both his labels (besides Satanath Records, Aleksey also runs Symbol Of Domination Productions), I was sort of aroused. There are different reasons. First of all, I do appreciate the variation of material.

Drama & Perdition Winds

For the xth time, Satanath Records and Black Plague Records are joining forces in order to punish the world with a merciless skull-hammering release, this time under the banner of a split in between two fine acts, Russia’s Drama and Perdition Winds from Finland.

Humanitas Error Est

Humanitas Error Est, hailing from Leipzig, Germany, debut with Human Pathomorphism, an eleven-tracker that lasts for fifty-six minutes. The band, with former and current members of e.g. Rogash, Goatfuck and Grabak, was founded in 2013, and recently they signed to Satanath Records to have this debut released and distributed (once again in an unholy partnership with Abstruse Eerie Radiance and Black Plague Records).


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