Satanath Records


Satarial are a Russian project by Lord Seth, who founded this project in 1993 (permanently joined by Angelika ‘Angel Bust’). Throughout the years he recorded five full lengths, yet since the last one, 2006’s LateXXX, Satarial seemed to fade away in oblivion.


Astarot are a Mexican project by multi-instrumentalist Gonzalo GB, aka Astarot, in co-operation with singer / lyricist Alfonso ‘Tortured’. Both of them are also active in e.g. Suicidal Years and Alasthor (the Mexican one, of course), as well as in Abysmal Depths.


Jarnvidr are a Normandy-based two-piece, consisting of guitarist / drummer Vastara and bass player / vocalist Alrinack. The latter is involved with lots of other projects too, such as Suicidal Madness, Uluun, Asphodeles, Blukovla etc.


Borow are a Russian act that was formed in 2007. Throughout the years, they recorded several pieces of gore and death, amongst which two self-released full lengths (in respectively 2008 and 2009). And in 2013 they worked on the third full length, which is called The Pnakotic Manuscript.


Inhumanity are a Death Metal combo from Ukraine, with only one record on their discography, the EP / MCD Torture Of Consciousness. The trio recorded this stuff in July 2012, and soon after it was released via Russia’s Satanath Records.

Garth Arum

Garth Arum are the solo-outfit of As Blood DiesOscar Martin ‘Nightmarer’ Diez-Canseco, a project this guy started at the end of last century. Throughout all these years, Nightmarer wrote material for this project specifically, but because of his duties in As Blood Dies and several other bands, he did not have the time to record anything decently.


Ragnell are a young Mexican collective with one single official recording on their name: Black Requiem, released via one of the strongest Russian labels, Satanath Records. Black Requiem clocks less than half an hour, and it was recorded by the trio Eduardo (b, v), Carlo (d) and Mauricio (g, v) in early 2013.


Burtul are a Saint Petersburg-based combo that now, after four years of existence, debut with their first full length, Bottom Astral, done via mighty Satanath Records. On this album, the band consisted of Ilya (b), Dima (g), Krom (g), S.D.I. (d), and Cherepan (v); Dima and S.D.I. left in mean time, by the way.

Sanctus Infernum

Sanctus Infernum were formed in 2005 in Kansas, and they had two full lengths done at the end of last decade: their self-called debut in 2008, and Martyr in 2009. Then things went silent for quite some time, but now the band finally returns with their third full length, which is Other Gods.


The scene from Belarus is not that ‘huge’ as the ones from neighbours Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia or Ukraine. The Possession-label is a good example for nice material coming from that (contested) country (I would like to refer to the review on Šmiercieslaŭ’s album Cjomny Pryliŭ Razburennja / Ciemrazoŭ, posted on September 2nd).


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